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Thema: Swap 20xe - Spain

  1. #11
    MR. SLOW
    wtf!!! schaut euch die Kotis hinten an... da kleben bestimmt 10 Kilo Spachtel auf jeder Seite
    andere Länder, andere Sitten aber die Radabdeckung so herzustellen ist mir echt neu

    edit... vorne und hinten, an jedem Radlauf aufgespachtelt bis die Räder von oben gesehen abgedeckt sind^^

  2. #12
    To cowardly to slag the car in englisch?
    Translation: Zu feige auf englisch zu lästern?

  3. #13
    MR. SLOW
    dann übersetz es mal bitte, mir fallen ein paar Begriffe nicht ein, shit ist einfach zu lange her

  4. #14
    Zitat Zitat von misterjack Beitrag anzeigen
    To cowardly to slag the car in englisch?
    Translation: Zu feige auf englisch zu lästern?
    Kolben Vs Coscat??

    I don´t understand Mr.Slow (google traductor is really bad, no sense words)

  5. #15
    MR. SLOW
    sry, I tried to use the googletranslator too
    but it makes only shit...

    is it normal in Spain, that you don´t pull the Kotis out until the Tires fit under the car and after some pulling you just put Spachtel (I think/hope now you know what I mean) on them until the Tires and Rims fit???

    sry, but it really looks that way, here in GErmany the tuners would laugh about that way of customizing...

  6. #16
    Zitat Zitat von MR. SLOW Beitrag anzeigen
    sry, I tried to use the googletranslator too
    but it makes only shit...

    is it normal in Spain, that you don´t pull the Kotis out until the Tires fit under the car and after some pulling you just put Spachtel (I think/hope now you know what I mean) on them until the Tires and Rims fit???

    sry, but it really looks that way, here in GErmany the tuners would laugh about that way of customizing...
    Tons of cars in Spain are made with "fiber and spachtel" (I know it´s not as good as could be ironing..) Tigra curves (roundings) are difficult to do, this is the reason it was done of this way.

    In Spain it´s not allowed to drive without covering all the tyre (rims inclusive) and it´s not well seen drive lowered (without air ride). : (
    We are "rare" here...

  7. #17
    Like U can see here

    Rear arches are look like the original one. This is what I was looking for ( "sleeper car")


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